
Complexity & Dynamics for Photonic Intelligence

RESEARCH GOALS (2020.09 - )

We pursue the interactive design between AI hardware and AI software in terms of “wave mechanics
primarily “photonics”, and extended to “quantum mechanics”, “electronics”, and “acoustics”.

  • Intelligent wave platforms for AI hardware: brain-mimicking media and neuromorphic responses.

  • Intelligent wave devices using AI software: logics, imaging/sensing, and wave steering, transport, or localization.


Multidisciplinary Approaches based on
quantum analogy, network theory, biomimetics, and machine learning

  • AI Wave Mechanics: Design of scale-free materials / ML architectures for engineered disorder / ML design of topology

  • Neuromorphic Photonics: Design of photonic neurons & synapses / Photonic memory using quenching mechanisms

  • Disordered Wave Systems: Engineered disorder between order and uncorrelated disorder / Hyperuniform devices

  • Open & Non-Euclidean Systems: Disorder in hyperbolic lattices / Quantum circuits with enhanced DOFs & topology